Ashgrove Meals on Wheels provides delicious and nutritious meals to all members of the community. Whilst anyone can receive meals, the cost can vary depending on whether you are eligible for a Government subsidy. If you are over 65 years of age and have a received a referral for meals through My Aged Care you will be able to receive your meals at a subsided CHSP rate. Alternatively, if you have a Home Care Package your meals can also be partially paid for using your package funds. This means you can use your package to pay for the preparation and delivery of the meal, and you just cover the remaining raw food costs.
CHSP Client
Menu Item Price
Soup $2.00
Main meal (chilled or frozen) $8.00
Dessert $2.00
Juice cup $0.50
Sandwich and piece of fruit $8.00
Snack pack $8.50
Breakfast pack (7 meals) $10.00
Piece of fruit $1.00
Total package cost (meal soup dessert) $12.00
HCP Client
Menu Item Total Price HCP Provider HCP Client Raw Food
Soup $2.00 $1.50 $0.50
Main meal (chilled or frozen) $15.00 $11.00 $4.00
Dessert $2.00 $1.50 $0.50
Juice cup $0.50 $0.15 $0.35
Sandwich and piece of fruit $13.50 $10.00 $3.50
Snack pack $9.50 $4.00 $5.50
Breakfast pack (7 meals) $18.00 $8.00 $10.00
Piece of fruit $1.00 $0.30 $0.70
Total package cost (meal soup dessert) $19.00 $14.00 $5.00
NDIS Client
Menu Item Total Price NDIS Provider NDIS Client Raw Food
Soup $1.15 $0.80 $0.35
Main meal (chilled or frozen) $14.00 $9.80 $4.20
Dessert $2.85 $2.00 $0.85
Juice cup $1.10 $0.85 $0.25
Sandwich and piece of fruit $11.00 $7.30 $3.70
Snack pack $10.00 $7.00 $3.00
Breakfast pack (7 meals) $17.28 $14.28 $3.00
Piece of fruit $1.00 $0.70 $0.30
Total package cost (meal soup dessert) $18.00 $12.60 $5.40
Client under 65
Menu Item Price
Soup $2.00
Main meal (chilled or frozen) $8.00
Dessert $2.00
Juice cup $0.50
Sandwich and piece of fruit $8.00
Snack pack $8.50
Breakfast pack (7 meals) $10.00
Piece of fruit $1.00
Total package cost (meal soup dessert) $12.00
Menu Item Price
Soup $2.00
Main meal (chilled or frozen) $10.50
Dessert $2.00
Juice cup $0.50
Sandwich and piece of fruit $10.50
Snack pack $9.50
Breakfast pack (7 meals) $15.00
Piece of fruit $1.00
Total package cost (meal soup dessert) $14.50
Breakfast Pack (contains 7x single serves of cereal, 1L longlife milk, 1L juice, tinned fruit and half a loaf of bread)
Snack Pack (may include a selection of crackers, cheese, fruit, nuts, chocolate and/or muesli bar)
All meals and soups are delivered chilled, ready to be heated in a microwave. Clients who are unable to heat their meals should call the Service on
3366 4299 to discuss alternative arrangements.
For pricing information for all other clients, please contact us on 07 3366 4299
(Prices current as of September 2024 and are subject to change)
CHSP Client
Menu Item Price
Soup $2.00
Main meal (chilled or frozen) $8.00
Dessert $2.00
Juice cup $0.50
Sandwich and piece of fruit $8.00
Snack pack $8.50
Breakfast pack (7 meals) $10.00
Piece of fruit $1.00
Total package cost (meal soup dessert) $12.00
HCP Client
Menu Item Total Price HCP Provider HCP Client Raw Food
Soup $2.00 $1.50 $0.50
Main meal (chilled or frozen) $15.00 $11.00 $4.00
Dessert $2.00 $1.50 $0.50
Juice cup $0.50 $0.15 $0.35
Sandwich and piece of fruit $13.50 $10.00 $3.50
Snack pack $9.50 $4.00 $5.50
Breakfast pack (7 meals) $18.00 $8.00 $10.00
Piece of fruit $1.00 $0.30 $0.70
Total package cost (meal soup dessert) $19.00 $14.00 $5.00
NDIS Client
Menu Item Total Price NDIS Provider NDIS Client Raw Food
Soup $1.15 $0.80 $0.35
Main meal (chilled or frozen) $14.00 $9.80 $4.20
Dessert $2.85 $2.00 $0.85
Juice cup $1.10 $0.85 $0.25
Sandwich and piece of fruit $11.00 $7.30 $3.70
Snack pack $10.00 $7.00 $3.00
Breakfast pack (7 meals) $17.28 $14.28 $3.00
Piece of fruit $1.00 $0.70 $0.30
Total package cost (meal soup dessert) $18.00 $12.60 $5.40
Client under 65
Menu Item Price
Soup $2.00
Main meal (chilled or frozen) $8.00
Dessert $2.00
Juice cup $0.50
Sandwich and piece of fruit $8.00
Snack pack $8.50
Breakfast pack (7 meals) $10.00
Piece of fruit $1.00
Total package cost (meal soup dessert) $12.00
Menu Item Price
Soup $2.00
Main meal (chilled or frozen) $10.50
Dessert $2.00
Juice cup $0.50
Sandwich and piece of fruit $10.50
Snack pack $9.50
Breakfast pack (7 meals) $15.00
Piece of fruit $1.00
Total package cost (meal soup dessert) $14.50
Breakfast Pack (contains 7x single serves of cereal, 1L longlife milk, 1L juice, tinned fruit and half a loaf of bread)
Snack Pack (may include a selection of crackers, cheese, fruit, nuts, chocolate and/or muesli bar)
All meals and soups are delivered chilled, ready to be heated in a microwave. Clients who are unable to heat their meals should call the Service on
3366 4299 to discuss alternative arrangements.
For pricing information for all other clients, please contact us on 07 3366 4299
(Prices current as of September 2024 and are subject to change)